July 4 is Independence Day, the day that the USA celebrates its birthday. It is also around the time that the Sun meets with the highly mystical star, Sirius. Could it be any coincidence that America’s birthday coincides with this fated day? Sirius is the planet of higher consciousness, freedom and technological advancements. It is a planet believed…
Autor: Sirius-Star.ro
INDIA: Sirius, inima religiei hinduse?
În sanscrită, Sirius este cunoscută ca MRGAVYADHA „vânătorul de cerbi” sau LUBDHAKA „vânătorul”. Ca Mrgavyadha, steaua reprezintă Rudra din scrierile vedice, prezentat ca Shiva/Siva în Ramayana, în religia hindusă, fiind o formă a lui Ishvara sau Dumnezeu. Foarte probabil, Rudra/Shiva este echivalentul lui Osiris/Seth din Egipt! Parte a trinităţii divine Trimurti, Shiva este zeul distrugerii,…
Hamlet’s Mill: „When Sirius fell, Great Pan was dead”
A work of scientific and philosophical inquiry, in which, the authors track world myths to a common origin in early man’s descriptions of cosmological activity, arguing that these remnants of ancient astronomy, suppressed by the Greeks and Romans and then forgotten, were really a form of pre-literate science. Authors: Giorgio De Santillana & Hertha Von…
SIRIUS / DAK Star in Terra Papers
The Suppressed History of Planet Earth. I am called ’Morning Sky.’ I grew up hearing the stories my grandfather told of a Space Being he helped rescue. My grandfather was one of six young Native Americans who witnessed the crash of a spaceship in 1947, shortly after the now-famous Roswell incident. When they reached the…
CANIS MAJOR: The Lost Names & Meanings
Richard Hinckley Allen (1838 – 1908) rendered a very valuable service to those of us interested in the nomenclature and historical evolution of the constellations and their stars. His book is a mine (or maybe a minefield!) of varied information not only on its primary subject, but also here and there on ancient myth and…
NEW MILLENNIUM: The Sirius Secret
Gods of the New Millennium by Alan F. Alford. First published in 1997, this is the comprehensive and irrefutable proof of the flesh-and-blood gods who created us genetically in their own image. This interventionist solution identifies them as the builders of the Pyramids, Sphinx and other ancient sites. Up-to-date evidence is that the gods were…
FUENTE MAGNA: Goddess Nia, from Sirius?
The Decipherment of the Fuente Magna Bowl By Clyde A. Winters, Ph.D. (LINK) In 1958/60 Don Max Portugal Zamora, a Bolivian archaeologist, learned of the Fuente Magna bowl’s existence. Pastor Manjon, Mr. Portugal „baptized” the site with the name it bears today, „Fuente Magna”. The Fuente Magna bowl was found in a rather casual fashion…
26.000 DE ANI: Sirius, sora mai mare a Soarelui?
Precesia echinocţiilor, fenomenul care demonstrează că Soarele nostru are un companion (SURSA) „Precesia echinocţiilor este un fenomen cunoscut de astronomi prin care se explică aparenta mişcare a stelelor pe cer (mişcare care nu este dată de rotaţia Pământului în jurul Soarelui sau de alt fenomen astronomic cunoscut). (…) Acest fenomen este un efect direct al…
OPEN MINDS: Ştiinţa, de la ideologie spre Cunoaştere!
Revista „Ştiinţă & Tehnică”, ediţia dublă cu nr. 58 / 2016. „Acest număr al Revistei Știință & Tehnică își propune să forțeze limitele pragmatismului științific, așa încât abordează diverse subiecte pe care mulți cercetători le consideră la limita acceptabilului – ceea ce, recunoaștem, le poate da apă la moară fanilor pseudo-științei… Ne-am permis să întredeschidem…
M. TEMPLE: Astrological revelations found in Sirius
SIRIUS (by Maureen Temple Richmond) Astrologer M. Temple Richmond’s Sirius offers a fresh look at the spiritual significance and astrological influence of this important and widely recognized fixed star. Drawing from the literature of the Ageless Wisdom tradition, the text demonstrates that Sirius: • Radiates the qualities of universal love and intuition; • Functions as…
EVA MARQUEZ: „Sirians are Knowledge Keepers”
„Sirian starseeds have brilliant minds. They need to learn to bring the energy from the mind into the entire physical body and practice „whole body intuition”. That means learning to sense the energy throughout their whole body, not just with the mind. Their mission on Earth is to make our life easier with their inventions,…
PICKNETT: Sirius, în inima „Conspiraţiei Stargate”
„Conspiratia Stargate – cel mai periculos si perfid complot al epocii moderne. O dezvaluire socanta a unui plan minutios gandit pentru a camufla cele mai radicale idei ale secolului XX, centrate pe credinta ca zeii vechilor egipteni erau, in fapt, fiinte nepamantene care vor reveni – cand, unde, cum? – spre a ne conduce intr-o…