Sirius & Ziggurat Ur (Dog)
The Great Ziggurat of Ur was the home of the moon god Nanna, while Enki, the god of wisdom and fresh water, lived at Eridu. Home of the Ziggurat of Ur and the reputed birthplace of the prophet Abraham. This city, which is mentioned several times in the Bible as Ur of the Chaldees (referring to the Chaldeans, whom settled in the area about 900 BC) as the birthplace of Prophet Abraham „Ibrahim Al-Khalil” (pbuh), was one of the most important cities of the Sumerians in the 4th and the 1st half of the 3rd millennium BC. SURSA Abraham/Abram/Avram, descending from Sem, is the first of the three biblical patriarchs. His story, told in chapters 11 through 25 of the Book of Genesis, plays a prominent role as an example of faith in Judaism, Christianity, Islam!
Sumer means „Land of the Lords of the Sun” / „Land of the Lords of Brightness”. The Pyramid with All Seing Eye is an artifact presented by Klaud Dona.
The Sirius Mystery - Robert Temple- Babylonian cylinder
The Sirius Mystery – Robert Temple- Babylonian cylinder
The Sirius Mystery - Robert Temple - Notes - pag 426-427
The Sirius Mystery – Robert Temple – Notes – pag 426-427

029Miturile dogonilor sunt izbitor de asemănătoare cu cele ale altor civilizații, ca sumerienii, egiptenii, izraeliții și babilonienii, și care toate includ mitul arhetipal al marelui învățător venit din cer. Acesta se numește fie Enoch, Quetzalcoatl, Toth, Mercur sau Hermes Trismegistul și este cel care le-a dat oamenilor cunoașterea științifică și arta magiei.

„Sumerienii aveau o stea denumită “Nibiru”, care înseamnă în traducere “steaua care traversează” celelalte stele, adică se mişcă în raport cu Soarele nostru. “Nibiru” era considerat a fi de culoare roşie, la fel cum era şi Sirius în trecut, ceea ce înseamnă că sumerienii s-au referit la Nibiru (de fapt, Sirius) ca la companionul Soarelui nostru.” LINK
Klaus Dona Artifacts

În tradițiile oculte există credința că Hermes i-a învățați pe atlanți să creeze cea mai avansată civilizație de pe pământ de dinainte de Marele Potop. Referiri la potop se întâlnesc în mitologiile a nenumărate civilizații.


Figurine found at Ur
Figurine found at Ur
Temple of the goddess Ninhursag, which was excavated in modern times at Tell Al-Obeid, about 8 km north east of the site of Ur. Iraq Museum, Baghdad
Goddess Ninhursag, near Ur

f9a259c00f61109b1e98618e21babc76Toate spun că supraviețuitorii Atlantidei au călătorit în ambarcațiuni spre toate continentele și le-au împărtășit oamenilor cunoașterea avansată pe care o dețineau. Ocultiștii sunt convinși că ciudata asemănare dintre civilizații aflate la mare distanță una de alta poate fi explicată prin contactul comun al acestora cu atlanții.

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Venerarea Soarelui, de exemplu, s-a transmis atât în ritualurile creștine, cât și în cele păgâne. La atlanți, crucea și șarpele erau simboluri ale înțelepciunii divine.

Sirus Nibiru

Aztec Serpent Moon Goddess
Aztec Moon Goddess

Strămoșii divini ai popoarelor Maya și Quiché sunt atlanții supraviețuitori ajunși în America Centrală, care se presupune că au construit marele templu piramidal din orașul sfânt Teotihuacan (în traducere: „locul unde au fost creați zeii”), închinat zeului Quetzalcoatl sau Șarpele cu pene. Din acest punct ar fi plecat preoții atlanți inițiați spre celelalte continente, purtând cu ei cheile înțelepciunii universale.

Sumerian depiction of Enki the Serpent God

Waddell - Britsh Edda - Ymi, Heidi, Ida or El and her consort Wodan or Bodo drinking in Eden
L.A.Waddell – British Edda (1930) – Ymi, Heidi, Ida or El and her consort Wodan or Bodo drinking in Eden. Babylonian seal c. 3300 B.C. SURSA

SumeriansDe la ei ar fi învățat oamenii meșteșugurile, științele, arta, filozofia, etica și religiile. Tot din știința ocultă aflăm că înainte ca Atlantida să se scufunde, inițiații iluminați, văzând că civilizația lor era sortită pieirii din cauza numărului tot mai mare de oameni care se îndepărtaseră de principiile morale, devenind conflictuali și perverși, s-au retras de pe continentul blestemat. Ducând cu ei doctrina sacră și secretă, acești atlanți s-au stabilit în Egipt, unde au devenit primii conducători „divini”. (SURSA)



Untitled-4 copy„The British Edda is a 1930 English, Sumerian and Egyptian linguistics and mythology book written by Laurence Waddell about the adventures of El, Wodan and Loki forming an Eden Triad in the Garden of Eden. It also references Thor and King Arthur having adventures in Eden.

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Untitled-1 copy(…) „Eve or Ifo, Gunn-Ifo or Guen-Ever, as Serpent-Priestess of Eden before marriage with King Her-Thor, Arthur, or Adam”. (…) One of the subjects discussed in The British Edda is the „genesis of civilization”, which, as stated by Waddell, was commonly believed in the „pagan days” in Britain to be in „Cappadocia and Eden”, but was very broad due to the lack of knowledge about the region beyond mere stories and also no knowledge of specific place names.

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Ziggurat(…) These stories returned to the common populace in the 12th century by being melded into the „Arthurian legends”, while the original sources of Cappadocia, the Trojans, and Sumeria were lost. (…) In two letters Charles Olson wrote to Frances Boldereff in July 1950, Olson discussed Waddell’s works and specifically commented on The British Edda, stating that, in it, Waddell „dances all over this thing, like some damned witch doctor, trying to squeeze out the old and lost history”, referring to the discussion in the book on how the Sumerians were the origination of civilization.” SURSA

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034 Home of the Ziggurat of Ur and the reputed birthplace of the prophet Abraham/Abram/Avram (descending from Sem!) who is the first of the three biblical 035patriarchs. His story, told in chapters 11 through 25 of the Book of Genesis, plays a prominent role as an example of faith in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. (!!!)

Artistic reconstruction of the original complete structure
Zigurrat of Ur. Artistic reconstruction of the original complete structure
Francisco de Holanda – De aetatibus mundi imagines – 1545. Page 036
NEMROD REX. Francisco de Holanda – De aetatibus mundi imagines – 1545. Page 036

This city, which is mentioned several times in the Bible as Ur of the Chaldees (referring to the Chaldeans, whom settled in the area about 900 BC) as the birthplace of Prophet Abraham „Ibrahim Al-Khalil” (pbuh), was one of the most important cities of the Sumerians in the 4th and the 1st half of the 3rd millennium BC. It was also considered as one of the most active and full of life cities in southern Mesopotamia during the following centuries. In former days it stood on the banks of the Euphrates, until the river changed its course.

The Great Zigurrat of UR (DOG!). An image of the building after restoration
The Great Zigurrat of UR (DOG!). An image of the building after restoration
Francisco de Holanda - De aetatibus mundi imagines – 1545. Page 037
TREE OF SEM (Chaldeea, Persia, Ninive + Asia). Francisco de Holanda – De aetatibus mundi imagines – 1545. Page 037

2,670 BC – The founder of the First Dynasty of Ur was the conqueror and temple builder Mesanepada , the earliest Mesopotamian ruler described in extant contemporary documents. His son Aanepadda (reigned about 2650 BC) built the temple of the goddess Ninhursag, which was excavated in modern times at Tell Al-Obeid, about 8 km north east of the site of Ur.

2,340 BC – Ur was captured  by King Sargon of Agade, and this era, called the Akkadian period, marks an important step in the blending of Sumerian and Semitic cultures. After this dynasty came a long period of which practically nothing is known except that a 2nd dynasty rose and fell.


Aha Mena
Egyptian Civilization – L.A. Waddell


Francisco de Holanda – De aetatibus mundi imagines – 1545. Page 038
TREE OF IAPHET (Europa, father of Go(g)mer & Magog) & CHAM (Africa). Francisco de Holanda – De aetatibus mundi imagines – 1545. Page 038

2113 – 2095 BC – Ur-Nammu, the first king of the 3rd Dynasty of Ur, who revived the empire of Sumer and Akkad, won control of the outlet to the sea about 2100 BC and made Ur the wealthiest city in Mesopotamia. His reign marked the beginning of the so-called renaissance of Sumerian art and literature at Ur. The descendants of Ur-Nammu continued in power for more than a century, or until shortly before 2000 BC, when the Elamites captured Ibbi-Sin (reigned 2029-2004 BC), king of Ur, and destroyed the city. (SURSA)

An early image of the Ziggurat from the 1920
An early image of the Ziggurat of Ur from the 1920

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Gilgamesh & Enkidu

GOG & MAGOG. Magog is the second of the seven sons of Japheth mentioned in the Table of Nations in Genesis 10. Magog is often associated with apocalyptic traditions, mainly in connection with Ezekiel 38 and 39 which mentions „Gog of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal” (Ezek 38:2 NIV); on the basis of this mention, „Gog and Magog” over time became associated with each other as a pair. In the New Testament, this pairing is found in the Book of Revelation 20:8, in which instance they may merely be metaphors for archetypal enemies of God. (SURSA)