Sirius A & B - Qur'anCORAN • SURAT 53 – AN-NAJM (STEAUA): „42. Şi cã la Domnul tãu este întoarcerea, 43. Şi cã El face sã râdã şi face sã plângã, 44. Şi cã El dã moartea şi El dã viaţa 45. Şi cã El i-a creat pe cei doi soţi – bãrbãtuşul şi femeiuşa -, 46. Dintr-o picãturã, când ea este vãrsatã? 47. Şi cã a Lui este şi cealaltã creaţie 48. Şi cã El îmbogãţeşte şi îndestuleazã? 49. Şi cã El este stãpânul stelei aş-Şi’ra (34) 50. Şi cã El a fãcut sã piarã ’Ad cel vechi 51. Şi Thamud şi nu a lãsat sã rãmânã nimic, 52. Ca şi neamul lui Noe, mai înainte, fiindcã ei erau mai nelegiuiţi şi mai crânceni, 53. Şi cetãţile [rãsturnate] le-a nimicit 54. Şi le-a acoperit cu ceea ce le-a acoperit? 55. Şi de care dintre binefacerile Domnului tãu te îndoieşti?” NOTA: 34) Probabil astrul Sirius, care era adorat de unii pãgâni (tribul Khuza’a) în perioada preislamicã (Al-Jahiliyya). (SURSA)

the-strage-creatures-you-can-see-in-the-skySirius este menţionat în Surah, An-Najm („Steaua”), din Coran, unde el are denumirea de الشِّعْرَى (transliteraţie: aš-ši‘rā sau aş-şira; liderul). Versul este: „وأنَّهُ هُوَ رَبُّ الشِّعْرَى”, „Că El este Domnul Sirius (Puternica Stea).” (An-Najm:49) Ibn Kathir a declarat în comentariul său „Ibn ‘Abbas, Mujahid, Qatada şi Ibn Zayd au spus despre Ash-Shi`ra că la această stea strălucitoare, denumită Mirzam Al-Jawza’ (Sirius), se închină un grup de arabi.” Denumirea alternativă Aschere, utilizată de Johann Bayer, este derivată din aceasta. (SURSA)

South Arabia, 2nd – 3rd Century A.D. – The Sabaeans were an ancient people

illustrations-of-canis-major-al-kalb-al-akbar-canis-minor-al-kalb-al-muq%ca%bfad-argo-al-safinah-from-an-ottoman-version-of-the-wonders-of-creationIllustrations of Canis Major (al-kalb al-akbar), Canis Minor (al-kalb al-muq’ad), & Argo (al-safīnah). From an Ottoman version of The Wonders of creation/ترجمه عجائب المخلوقات by Zakarīyā ibn Muḥammad al-Qazwīnī/زكريا بن محمد القزويني, ca. 1203-1283, made at the request of the Vizier Murtaza Paşa (Murtaḍá Pāshā) (fl. 11c AH / 17c CE). Completed in 1121 AH / 1717 CE by Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Shākir Rūzmah-’i Nāthānī/محمد بن محمد شاكر روزمه ناثاني Date: 12 Ramaḍān 1121 AH / 1717 CE.

black-stone-MeccaTerry Melanson: “The Black stone of the Ka’aba of Mecca and that of the Ancient Shrine of Cybele, the goddess mother of the Near East are both believed by some occultists to be pieces of the magical meteorite (called the Chintamani Stone) which is alleged to have come from a solar system in the constellation Orion, probably Sirius… according to Lamaist lore, a fragment of this stone… is sent wherever a spiritual mission vital to humanity is set up, and is returned when that mission is completed. Such a stone was said to be in possession of the failed League of Nations, it’s return being entrusted to [Nicholas] Roerich.” (SURSA)

Dhul-Qarnayn with the help of some jinn, building the Iron Wall to keep the barbarian Gog and Magog from civilized peoples. (16th century Persian miniature)

Magog’s appearance in the Quran and other Islamic sources is chiefly due to his apocalyptic renown as part of the pairing of Gog and Magog. In sura Al-Kahf (“The Cave”, 18:83–98) of the Quran (early 7th century AD), an individual called Dhul-Qarnayn (“The Two-horned One”) journeys to a distant land in a pass between two mountains where he finds people who are suffering from the mischief of Gog and Magog. Dhul-Qarnayn then makes a wall of copper and iron to keep Gog and Magog out, but warns that it will be removed in the Last Age.

The Monster of Gog and MagogIn sura 21, Al-Anbiyā (The Prophets), the wall is mentioned again: there Allah tells his Prophet (Mohammed) that there is a “prohibition upon [the people of] a city which We have destroyed that they will [ever] return, until [the dam of] Gog and Magog has been opened and thou shall see them, from every higher ground, descending.” According to Islamic tradition (in Saḥīḥ al-Bukhāri), Gog and Magog are human beings, and the city mentioned in sura 21 is Jerusalem. (SURSA)