Shugborough is Associated with the Ancient African Dogon Religion through the Merovingians
by Shannon Dorey (SURSA)
„(…) According to the Dogon, the serpent and fish like alien beings known as Nummo came to Earth from another star system. They were associated with both the Sirius and Pleiades star systems. These green, amphibious beings were identified with the Philistine god Dagon, which is likely the root of the Merovingian name Dagobert. (…)”
The code on the Shugborough Shepherd’s Monument at Staffordshire in Lichfield, England has been confusing theorists since it was first created in the 1760s. Rumours say the secret letters on the Shugborough monument are „hiding a set of instructions on how to find the Holy Grail, the chalice in which the blood of Jesus was collected, as it fell from his crucified wounds.”a1 My research ties the monument to the Merovingians and the Masonic Society through the ancient African Dogon religion. I believe the Dogon religion is the original mystery religion thought to have been lost to humanity.
Evidence indicates the letters on the monument identify an Operative Masonic altar and the Operative Masonic society associated with the altar was a secret underground political group involving the exiled Stuarts and their attempt to regain the English throne. Historical documents indicate the group was probably formed around the time of Charles I execution in 1649 by the Rosicrucian and alchemist Elias Ashmole. Ashmole, who had been the first Operative Mason of any consequence, had been born in Lichfield, Staffordshire, England, 23 May 1617, and died in South Lambeth (London) in 1692.1 The Shugborough monument is found on the grounds at Shugborough Hall, the seat of the Earls of Lichfield. It was built as a meeting place for this group sometime in the 1760s long after Ashmole’s death but at a time when the Stuarts’ desire to regain the English throne was still paramount. The Stuarts’ played a significant role in the Masonic society and the original mystery religion because they were connected to the Merovingian bloodline.
The Merovingian bloodline appeared in The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail and in the Da Vinci Code fiction, where the Frankish royal family was supposed to be descended from Jesus and Mary Magdalene. According to my research, the Merovingian bloodline is much older than the biblical Jesus and Mary Magdalene. It predates these myths by thousands of years.
Through my research of the ancient African Dogon religion, I have found links between the fish and serpent like alien Nummo talked about by Dogon, and the Merovingians. According to legend, the Merovingians traced their ancestry back to Merovée, a semimythical person who was born of two fathers. One was a king named Clodio and the other a sea monster that seduced his mother when she was swimming in the sea. The Merovingians were supposed to have been descended from aliens, who were the offspring of „nephilim” or fallen angels. Because of their ancestry, Merovée and his descendants were reputed to have supernatural powers and unnaturally long lives.1a
According to the Dogon, the serpent and fish like alien beings known as Nummo came to Earth from another star system. They were associated with both the Sirius and Pleiades star systems. These green, amphibious beings were identified with the Philistine god Dagon, which is likely the root of the Merovingian name Dagobert.
According to the Dogon, the alien Nummo lived high in the mountains in caves as well as underground because the sunlight dried out their skin. Because they were amphibious, they needed to keep moist in order to stay alive. The „underground stream” associated with the mythology of the Rosicrucians, and the River God Alpheus found in the artist Nicholas Poussin’s painting, „Et in Arcadia Ego”, are related to the Nummo. The Masonic altar at Shugborough was designed in reverse to Poussin’s „Les Berger d’Arcadie” which was painted in 1637-39. In the painting Shepherd’s point to the phrase „Et In Arcadia Ego”, the name of Poussin’s earlier painting which included the River God.1b The painting of the morose water deity in „Et in Arcadia Ego” dates from 1630 to 1635.1c „The river Alpheus is a central river in the actual geographical Arcadia in Greece, which flows underground and is said to surface at the Fountain of Arethusa in Sicily and is deemed to be sacred.”1d
Since most of the Stuarts were exiled in France, another meeting place for this group existed at Rennes-le-Château in south France. Most of the clues for solving the letters found on the Shugborough monument come from Rennes-le-Château with some appearing in ciphers that were thought to have been composed in the 1780s by the curé at the time Abbé Antoine Bigou. In one of the ciphers, Nicolas Poussin is mentioned as providing a key to the mystery.1e It is the reversal of Poussin’s painting to that of the monument that is the key to solving the letters found on the altar. The painting indicates the letters are supposed to be read in reverse.
Not only are the letters on the Shugborough monument reversed according to Poussin’s painting, but the top letters are also separated from the bottom letters because the top letters are also meant to be flipped.
The clue for this is also found in the church at Rennes-le-Château where the original Visigothic Pillar that used to support the old altar had been displayed upside down in the church.2 Another clue found in the church is a statue of Jesus being baptized by John where two upside down „Vs” are seen hanging from John’s cross to form the letter „M”. A picture of this is shown below.3
When flipped and reversed the top letters on the Shugborough monument spell MAVSONO or . In the early 1970’s an actual tomb was located from Poussin’s painting of the Shepherds monument on the outskirts of Arques approximately six miles from Rennes-le-Château.4 A mile or so east of Rennes-le-Château were the ruins of the Château of Blanchefort, fourth Grand Master of the Knights Templar, who presided over the order in the mid-twelfth century.5 The Templars are also related to the Masonic and pagan mythology associated with the Shugborough monument. The clues found at Rennes-le-Château may have been part of a Masonic ritual which had initiates identifying the meaning of the letters on the Shugborough Shepherd’s Monument.
Those Masons who met at Rennes-le-Château were also connected to those from the Shepherd’s monument through alchemy, the Rosicrucians and the Merovingians. The connection is important because as was mentioned earlier, the exiled Stuarts were linked to the Merovingian bloodline.5a Evidence indicates those associated with this group, which included Poussin, were involved in a cryptic form of Freemasonry, known as „Royal and Select Masters”.
The second letter „A” and the third letter „V” represent the Masonic symbols of the compass and the square, which are meant to appear overlapping each other as shown below. Aside from the fact they represent the Masonic symbols, together they provide the „A” for the word MASON.
These next pictures show how the cross and square appeared on Masonic artefacts supporting the theory that these two letters were meant to be read together.
The clue for these „Vs” being read overlapped also appears at Rennes-le-Château engraved in stone in the word „OMARIE”. The „A” in the name „MARIE” is overlapped with an „M”. It is part of a phrase which when translated into English means, „Oh Mary Conceived Without Sin Pray For Us”. Henry Lincoln said it almost appeared as if the stone mason who had created the phrase and the name „MARIE” had made a mistake first putting in „MM” and then overlapping the second „M” with an „A”.7a He joked that this was highly unlikely. The letters „M” are written like upside down „V”s so that the overlapping letters in the stone work clearly depict the Masonic symbol shown above. The „OM” to start the phrase may also be a clue to the fact the group was an „Operative Masonic” organization, which followed the ancient operative traditions. This is important because at that time a transition was taking place and speculative Freemasonry was taking over the old operative traditions that were becoming lost.7b It was the old operative traditions that were most closely linked with the pagan religion.
There is also another clue found at Rennes-le-Château which represents the overlapping „Vs”. It is found in a framed picture of two triangles overlapping each other on a bookplate. The bookplate is framed together with a picture of the demon Asmodeus and apparently found in the museum at Rennes-le-Château. Asmodeus appears on top and the bookplate of the overlapping triangles, shown below, appears below it.8 A reversal of these two images appears on a statue at the entrance to the church at Rennes-le-Château.
According to Simon Miles, the picture of the overlapping triangles or hexagram representing the Masonic „Vs”, shown above, was thought to have been created by Berenger Saunière, who became the parish priest at Rennes-le-Château in 1885. The letters „BS” appear on the picture of the triangles, which is why it was assumed the drawing had been created by Berenger Saunière. As Miles points out, however, the picture of the triangles on the framed bookplate is actually the frontpiece to Heinrich Madathanus „Aureum Seculum Redivivum”, or „The Golden Age Revived”, first published in Frankfurt in 1625. Madathanus was the pseudonym of Adrian von Mynsicht (1603-1638), an alchemist, esotericist and apologist for the Rosicrucians.9 This is important because of Elias Ashmole’s relationship to the Rosicrucians and the fact he was also an alchemist. Notice the angels in the four corners. These angels also appear on the statue at the entrance to the church at Rennes-le-Château. On the statue they appear on the top and Asmodeus appears on the bottom.
Miles pointed out that the symbol of the overlapping triangles is also prominently displayed on a monument in Rome, Italy, known as the Porta Alchemica, or „Alchemical Door”. This door is covered in hermetic and alchemical symbols and quotations. It can be found in the walls of the Villa Palombara, located in the Piazza Vittore Emmanuele and was built around 1680 by the Marquis Massimigliano Palombara.10 The association with the Alchemical door is significant not only because of Ashmole’s connection to alchemy but the fact a round Alchemical Tower is also found on the grounds at Rennes-le-Château.10a On top of the centre of the archway of the Italian „Alchemical Door” is a head not unlike the head that appears on top of the Shugborough monument. There is also the bottom of a wreath that appears around the circle above the „Alchemical Door”. Wreaths appear on the top of the Shugborough monument as well. It may indicate that this door in Italy provided another meeting place for the exiled Stuarts and their Italian sympathisers.
The symbol from the „Alchemical Door” was also compared to the 21st emblem of Michael Maier’s Atalanta Fugiens, which is another alchemical manuscript published in Frankfurt in 1617. In the picture, a man with a pair of compasses is in the process of constructing the overlapping triangles or hexagram by drawing a triangle within a larger circle.11 Inside the triangle is a smaller circle and inside the circle is a picture of Adam and Eve. The compasses in the picture reiterate the hexagram’s or the overlapping triangles’ connection to the Masonic Society. A seashell also appears in the foreground of the picture emphasizing its association to the Merovingians who are also connected to the Masonic Society through the pagan religion. Take note of this seashell, as it also appears on the statue at the entrance to the church at Rennes-le-Château.
The picture from the front piece of the „Aureum Seculum Redivivum” appears yet again in another alchemical work entitled, „Donum Dei” by Simon Baruch, drawn by Adam McLean and shown below left. A book by Abraham Eleazar entitled, „Uraltes chymisches Werck”, Erfurt, 1735, displayed Simon Baruch’s engravings.12 In Eleazar’s book, known as the book by Abraham the Jew, is another picture by Simon Baruch of two salamander type beings and a hill with what appears to be a rose growing from it. The rose was the symbol of the Rosicrucians. It was also drawn by Adam McLean and shown below right. As was mentioned earlier, Ashmole was a Rosicrucian. These salamanders and rose also appear on the statue at the entrance to the church at Rennes-le-Château.
All of these pictures were combined to create the statue found at the entrance to the church at Rennes-le-Château shown below. This statue was built under the direction of the parish priest, Berenger Saunière.
The Nummo. The ancient spelling of the word „fleur-de-lis” is „fleur-de-luce”, which means „Flower of Light”.12a The letters „BS”, from the cover of the „Aureum Seculum Redivivum”, also shows a reversal of the initials of „Simon Baruch” who created the two pictures shown above and found in the book by Abraham Eleazar, who was known as Abraham the Jew. The statue’s location at the entrance of the church is important because it ties it to the „Alchemical Door”.
As Henry Lincoln pointed out, the statue is also revealing the four elements. Fire is associated with the mythical salamanders that were born out of fire. Salamanders are also amphibians and the alien Nummo were amphibians and associated with fire. The Nummo spaceship was identified with a smithy. The Nummo spent more time in water than on land and as Lincoln pointed out, water is related to the water stoop in the form of the shell over the devil’s head, the angels are identified with air, and the devil was known as Rex Mundi, who was Lord of the Earth.12b Tapestries of the four elements had also appeared in the house at Shugborough. Only one is still remaining and hangs in the staircase hall. It is of „Earth” and was probably woven by John Vanderbank at the Soho Manufactory in London in the early 1700s. „It is closely based on a panel of the Gobelins Elements, designed by Le Brun a generation earlier.”12c The four elements are important to alchemy and are also associated with the African Dogon religion where the development of the world was associated with the four elements of air, water, fire and earth as well as the four directions of space.12d
The arms of the angels also appear reversed to each other, perhaps another clue to the reversal of the letters not only on the Shugborough Shepherd’s Monument but on the statue itself. The arm of the angel at the top is positioned in such a way as to create the appearance of her peering outward as if guiding a ship with the cross acting as its mast. This is significant because of the Rosicrucians alleged association with the secret group known as the Prieuré de Sion. The Grand Masters of the Prieuré de Sion were known as „Nautonniers” an old French term meaning ‘navigator’ or ‘helmsman’.13 Knowledge of the Prieuré de Sion was based on a document known as the Dossiers Secrets which was deposited in the Bibliotèque Nationale sometime in the 1950s or 1960s.13b The existence of the Prieuré de Sion has never been fully proven but these associations found at Rennes-le-Château would tend to support its existence. There is also a hidden round room in the church in Rennes-le-Château with a window that resembles a ship’s portal. The door to the curved room was found in the back of a cupboard in the church’s sacristy.13c
The letters „BS”, which show the reversal of the name Simon Baruch, is just one of the many connections that Saunière was trying to make in his creation of the statue. Artist and alchemical researcher, Adam McLean didn’t have any information on Simon Baruch, a name which he believed had likely been made up. He said the word „Barûkh” in Hebrew meant, „blessed”, an important reference relating to the Elysian Fields, which were associated with the Isle of the Blessed.13d It is also related to the Irish and Welsh Celtic myths relating to „Bran the Blessed”, the „Cauldron of Regeneration” and the islands of the Otherworld. These associations are important as they relate to regeneration and immortality. In the Dogon religion the alien Nummo were immortal. Humans were created and regenerated by the alien Nummo in a device not unlike the cauldron of Welsh myth. McLean also pointed to a non-canonical Biblical work called the „Book of Baruch” that may be connected in some way. Baruch’s engravings, which are found in the book of Abraham Eleazar, known as the book by Abraham the Jew, are all about alchemy. Abraham Eleazar’s book also contained a series of engravings by Nicholas Flamel,14 the famous medieval alchemist who was alleged to have been Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion between 1398-1418.15 This may indicate that Simon Baruch was actually Nicholas Flamel.
According to Flamel, he performed his first alchemical transmutation at noon on January 17th in 1382.15a Following the strict method found in the book of Abraham the Jew, Flamel had apparently „changed a half-pound of mercury first into silver, and then into virgin gold. And simultaneously, he accomplished the same transmutation in his soul. From his passions, mixed in an invisible crucible, the substance of the eternal spirit emerged.”15b Is it possible that Nicholas Flamel’s experiment was somehow connected to the regeneration process in Dogon mythology? Whether Flamel can be believed or not, the truth is that he became very wealthy afterwards. By 1413 he had founded and endowed 14 hospitals, seven churches and three chapels in Paris and a similar number in Boulogne.15c The date January 17th also appeared continuously in the mysteries and stories relating to Rennes-le-Château.
In the introduction to Abraham Eleazar’s book, it said Abraham Eleazar was a „Jew, a Prince, Priest, and Levite, Astrologer and Philosopher” who sprang from the roots of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. In the first paragraph of the work, there is also mention of the great profit Elias.16
On the Shugborough Shepherd’s Monument, the letters „SON” spell the end of the word „MASON”. The letter „O” at the end, may represent the „All Seeing Eye,” a Masonic symbol that is also represented as a circle with a dot in the center. According to Christopher Murphy, AF&A Mason, Past Master, this information comes from Mackey’s Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry. „The letter ‘O’ is the fifteenth letter in the English and in most of the Western Alphabets. The corresponding letter in the Hebrew and Phoenician alphabets was called Ayn, that is, eye or a circle with a dot in the center. This dot will be observed in ancient MSS., but being dropped the circle forms the letter ‘O’.” The symbol of the circle with a dot in the center was also a symbol of the sun in Egyptian mythology and the sun was a symbol of the Nummo in the Dogon religion.
Besides symbolizing the „All Seeing Eye,” the letter „O” may identify the word Operative, which refers to working masons.I believe the working masons likely provided the army’s backbone in the Stuart uprisings. The term also became identified with mathematicians and scientists in the 1600s. Elias Ashmole was supposed to have been the first Operative Mason of any consequence.17 In extracts from the Theosophical Writings of H.P. Blavatsky, it was reported that Elias Ashmole was admitted to the freedom of the Operative Masons’ company in London in 1646. Blavatsky further reported that Elias Ashmole was the celebrated antiquarian, who founded the museum of Oxford and was initiated together with Colonel Mainwarring in the Brotherhood of the working Masons in Warrington. She recounted how „the entrance of such men as Elias Ashmole into the Operative Fraternity paved the way for the great ‘Masonic Revolution of 1717’, when SPECULATIVE Masonry came into existence.” 18
In A Chronology of the History of Freemasonry it was reported, „In this year, of 1646, a company of Rosy Croix that had been formed in London according to the ideas of Bacon’s New Atlantis, assembled in the conference room of the Masons. Elias Ashmole, who was a member, and the other Brothers of the Rosy Croix, rectified the formulas of reception of these workmen, which consisted of some ceremonies similar to those used among all the professionals, and substituted a mode of initiation which they copied, partly, from the old mysteries of Egypt and Greece.”19 The connection between the Masons and the mystery religions is important because my research indicates the Dogon religion is the original mystery religion. This would explain why so many Masonic symbols are connected with the Dogon religion.
It is in fact Greek mythology that plays a role in deciphering the bottom letters on the monument „D M”. These letters, which when reversed like Poussin’s painting, spell MD, meaning medical doctor. Ashmole was an M.D.; Oxford had conferred the title of M.D. on him in 1669.20
The symbol associated with the medical profession is the symbol of the caduceus, which is related to Hermeticism and the Greek god Hermes. Hermes plays a significant role in the mythology of the Masons. Hermes was part of the alchemical images circulating at the time. Hermes is part of the word Hermaphrodite, and androgyny and hermaphroditic figures also play a role in Masonic, pagan and alchemical mythology. Below is a picture taken from an Engraving of Ashmole’s Theatrum Chemcicum Britannicum, 1652, which was copied by Adam McLean.21
Hermes is in the top centre holding the caduceus symbol in one hand and the six pointed star in the other. The fact Ashmole was a famous Operative Mason and the cover of his book appears with the caduceus symbol relates this symbol to the Operative Masons. The serpent symbolized the goddess in ancient pagan cultures. In ancient Egypt Isis was depicted as a serpent. The female on the right looks as if she has a fish tail as does the figure on top of the monument in the centre of the engraving. These symbols are all important as they relate to Masonic symbolism and the ancient Dogon mythology related to the Merovingians.
This figure was identified with the Shepherdess. In the pagan religion, it was the Shepherdess who guided the flock. In the pagan religion the female goddess figure was spiritually superior to males. In my book The Master Of Speech, I compared the caduceus to the symbol for DNA, which is so much a part of the Dogon religion.
In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, various scientists were connected with the Masonic societies because it was mathematics and geometry that Masons used to build their structures. Masonry came to be a symbol for advanced science, which was rooted in the myth of Asmodeus (also known as Ashmedai) who was supposed to have been the builder of Solomon’s temple. As was mentioned previously, he appeared at the entrance to the church at Rennes-le-Château. According to the Haggadah, when Solomon was erecting the Temple, „he did not know how to get the blocks of marble into shape, since, according to the law (Ex. xx. 26), they might not be worked by an iron tool.” The reference to marble associates it with the Shugborough monument, which is a marble bas-relief. The myth goes on to say that the wise men advised Solomon to obtain „the ‘shamir'”, a worm whose mere touch could cleave rocks. But to obtain it was no slight task; for not even the demons, who knew so many secrets, knew where the shamir, was to be found. They surmised, however, that Ashmedai, king of the demons, was in possession of the secret, and they told Solomon the name of the mountain on which Ashmedai dwelt…”22 The shamir was likely an advanced scientific instrument capable of shaping marble, which is why Ashmedai became identified with the scientists and alchemists of the day.
Remnants of magnificient masonry seem to have existed throughout the world from the Egyptian pyramids to the Bolivian remnants at Tiahuanaco. These ancient buildings were made with massive stones, making it inconceivable that humans could have lifted them. For instance Tiahuanaco’s Gateway of the Sun is carved out of a single piece of solid andesite and weighs more than 10 tons.22i The gateway is reminiscent of the Masonic archways and the alchemical doors discussed previously. The Great Pyramid of Egypt covered a full 13.1 acres at it base. It weighed about six million tons and consisted of roughly 2.3 million individual blocks of limestone and granite. When the nineteenth century archeologist, W. M. Flinders Petrie examined the blocks at the base he had been astounded to discover „tolerances of less than one-hundredth of an inch and cemented joints so precise and so carefully aligned that it had been impossible to slip even the fine blade of a knife in between them. ‘Merely to place such stones in exact contact would be careful work’, he admitted, ‘but to do so with cement in the joint seems almost impossible; it is to be compared to the finest opticians’ work on a scale of acres.'” 22ii
Ashmedai’s association with Solomon’s temple connected him to the figure of Hiram Abiff, who was supposed to have been the architect of Solomon’s temple, and a key figure in Masonic rituals.
William Harvey, J.P., F.S.A. (Scot.) Provincial Grand Master of Forfarshire, reported the name Hiram Abiff was undoubtedly Phoenician, but that there was some confusion, as to its actual form. „‘Hiram’ is the more common rendering, but the author of the Chronicles adheres to the spelling ‘Huram,’ and other writers adopt the variant ‘Hirom.’ Mr J. F. Stenning says that it is equivalent to ‘Ahiram,’ and means ‘the exalted one’. According to Movers, Hiram or Huram, is the name of a deity, and means ‘the coiled or twisted one,’ but other scholars regard this derivation as very improbable.”22a
My research indicates this last definition is accurate. The description sounds like a serpent and since Asmodeus or Ashmedai was identified with the devil or Satan the name reiterates the connection of Hiram to Ashmedai. As was mentioned earlier, the serpent was also a significant symbol in the pagan religion and associated with the Goddess Isis. The symbol of the serpent, identified with the sacred feminine, was later reversed by patriarchal groups including the Roman Catholic Church turning it into a figure of evil. According to legend, Hiram Abiff was murdered by one of three workers who assaulted him in their attempt to discover the secret he held. Hiram Abiff’s secret was never divulged and his body was hidden outside the city walls, where it remained until recovered by Solomon.23
„The Raising of the Master”, a sketch done by the seventeenth century artist Giovanni Francesco Guercino, depicts the story of Hiram Abiff. Guercino’s sketch also incorporates the compasses as well as other themes from Masonic rituals and is now owned by the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland, Edinburgh.24 Guercino had also painted „Et in Arcadia Ego” in 1618, which was the name of Poussin’s earlier painting of the River God.24a In Guercino’s painting there was a skull, which is an important Masonic and Knights Templar symbol. Individual skulls and skulls and crossbones also appear at Rennes-le-Château. Masonic themes can be found throughout Guercino’s other works.
Guercino was born in Cento on February 2, 1591(?), and died in Bologna on December 2, 1666(?)24b In 1665 Poussin had died in Rome. Is it possible that foul play could have been involved in the artists’ deaths? The timing of their deaths coincided with the imprisonment of Nicholas Fouquet in 1665 relating to a letter written by Fouquet’s brother Abbé Louis Fouquet to Nicholas about a „secret”, which Louis Fouquet had learned after meeting with Poussin in 1656. Part of the letter that Louis had written to his brother Nicholas Fouquet appeared in The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail and is quoted below.
„He and I discussed certain things, which I shall with ease be able to explain to you in detail – things which will give you, through Monsieur Poussin, advantages which even kings would have great pains to draw from him, and which, according to him, it is possible that nobody else will ever rediscover in the centuries to come. And what is more, these are things so difficult to discover that nothing now on this earth can prove of better fortune nor be their equal.”24c
My research indicates the „secret” being referred to in this passage involves the Merovingians. Research indicates that Poussin was well aware of the fish and serpent like alien beings connected to the Merovingians. The last part of this letter, „nothing now on this earth can prove of better fortune nor be their equal” relates to the book of Job 41 in regard to Leviathan when the passage says, „Nothing on earth is his equal–a creature without fear.” In the „Et in Arcadia Ego” Poussin painted the fish tailed river god Alpheus who was identified with the „source” or the „Alpha” relating him to the Garden of Eden and Adam and Eve.
A painting of the Tiber River God and the twins Castor and Pollux appeared under the stairway in the house at Shugborough. Castor and Pollux were mentioned in The Master Of Speech. One was mortal and the other was immortal. In Dogon mythology, the Jackal was mortal and his androgynous sister, known as the Master of Speech, was immortal. The sister of Castor and Pollux was Helen of Troy. Stories of Forbidden love are also related to the Dogon pagan religion. The River god is clearly associated with the fish tailed alien Nummo and the Merovingians. In the Dogon religion during the first experiment to create humans, the Jackal was born defective and single sexed. His sister was born androgynous and perfect. The word „twin” in the Dogon religion represented androgyny.
Interestingly, in earlier church history Christ was identified as having been a twin. Henry Lincoln pointed out that behind the altar in the church at Rennes-le-Château there were statues of two baby Jesus’, the one on the right was held by Joseph and the one on the left by Mary. He said that in the early church Jesus was thought to have been a twin and that his twin was „Thomas”. The Hebrew word for twin is „Thomas”.24hi The Christ figure in the Dogon religion was the Master of Speech and was originally a hermaphrodite so in later history Jesus’ twin should have been female.
Because the Dogon hermaphroditic Christ figure was identified with the color red, I believe this serpent goddess figure is the source of the symbolism associated with the document, Le Serpent Rouge that was found in October 1997 in Rennes-le-Château and produced by Pierre Jarnac. Marcus Williamson and Corella Hughes first became aware of the existence of Le Serpent Rouge in an appendix to the book Genesis by David Wood.24i The Dogon religion is in fact an earlier version of the biblical Genesis talking about the creation of humans by the alien Nummo.
The figure is also the likely source of the rosy cross relating to the Rosicrucians. In the Dogon religion the body of the serpent was identified with the cross. The serpent’s head represented the top of the cross and his/her tail the bottom. The arms were the sides of the cross. In the Dogon religion, Lébé was represented as the ancestor of humanity and was born from two of the serpent fish like Nummo/human mothers.24j This may have been the source of the Merovingian myths relating to Merovée having been born of two fathers. Symbols relating to the sacred feminine were later reversed by patriarchal societies and figures like the sun goddess became the sun god. In the same instance the two mothers may have been turned into the two fathers. This individual is also the probable source of the Merlin myths. Merlin was said to have had no mortal father.24k
The Jacobite Connection
According to the Dogon, the alien Nummo lived high in the mountains in caves as well as underground because the sunlight dried out their skin. Because they were amphibious, they needed to keep moist in order to stay alive. As was mentioned earlier, the „underground stream” associated with the mythology of the Rosicrucians, and the River God Alpheus found in Poussin’s painting, „Et in Arcadia Ego”, is related to the Nummo. The Nummo were described as being green serpent like beings with horns or casques on top of their heads.24l I believe the figure of Baphomet and worshipped by the Templars was a representation of the Nummo.24m The green Nummo also appear on the Shugborough Coat of Arms24ma as a green fish tailed horse, which is shown below.
©Earl of Lichfield
In my book The Master Of Speech, I speculated that the Nummo later became identified with horses because the chevrons on their backs looked like a horse’s mane on ancient artifacts. Because they had horns they also became identified with unicorns. In the Celtic religion they became associated with the horse goddess Epona. Henry Lincoln believed that the Knight’s Stone found in Rennes-le-Château and dating to the 7th century was a depiction of the horse goddess Epona.24m1 These associations are all important as they connect to the Dogon religion. They also relate to the phrase „Horse of God” found in one of the ciphers at Rennes-le-Château.
Not only did Poussin’s painting indicate he knew about the alien beings associated with the Merovingians but the fact his other painting was used in the construction of the Shepherd’s Monument would suggest that he was also a part of this secret Masonic political group identified with the exiled Stuarts. The connection is important because the Stuarts were linked to the Merovingian bloodline.24n This theory connects both Poussin and Guercino with the Masons, this political group, and the pagan religion related to the Merovingians. Louis XIV of France, who might have felt his own throne threatened in lieu of Charles I beheading in 1649, could have misconstrued the secrets involved with these groups. It could explain why he had Nicholas Fouquet arrested and later imprisoned. Poussin was known as a keeper of secrets and signed his work „Tenet Confidentiam”.24o Both Poussin and Guercino would have chosen death emulating their hero Hiram Abiff, than to reveal the secrets they knew relating to the Merovingians and the Stuarts.
Because the Jacobites were Catholics, it could also explain why later Catholics including the Parish Priest Berenger Saunière were involved with the Masonic Society. It may also explain the significance of the wreath with the keys that Saunière had put over the entrance way to the church at Rennes-le-Château shown below. The wreath with keys turned in the opposite direction is a Masonic symbol.
According to Alan Scott, this picture with the keys and wreath is the crest of Pope Leo XIII.24p The turned keys was likely another clue to the fact the letters on the top of the Shugborough monument were meant to be flipped. This association with Pope Leo XIII is important in the context of the Masonic Society, science and hermeticism. On February 20 1878, Leo XIII was elected to succeed Pope Pius IX. Leo XIII worked to encourage an understanding between the Church and the modern world, which had been damaged by Pius IX’s uncompromising Syllabus of Errors. The Syllabus of Errors had been „issued in 1864 condemning as heresy 80 propositions, many on political topics, which were at the foundation of scientific, rational secular society.” One of the propositions included condemning secret societies including Freemasonry. He also objected to the statement that human reason was „…the sole arbiter of truth and falsehood, and of good and evil”.
Pope Leo XIII firmly re-asserted the scholastic doctrine that science and religion co-existed together. He even opened some of the Vatican archives to screened historians. In later years his bull Apostolicae Curae of 1896 condemned Freemasonry, suggesting a reversal of his earlier statements.24q This could explain why the Mason’s symbol of the wreath and the keys are shown flipped to that of the Pope’s crest. Leo XIII crest is also the keystone of the doorway to the church at Rennes-le-Château. The papacy’s on and off again relationship with Freemasonry could explain some of the confusion relating to Catholicism and Freemasonry. The close association of Masonic symbols with the pagan religion no doubt contributed to the Catholic Church’s final rejection of Freemasonry. The pagan religion indicates the Merovingians existed long before Christianity ever came into existence.
Compare the following Masonic altars with the picture of the Shugborough Shepherd’s Monument, which is on the top left of this group of altars. The bottom section of the Shugborough altar also appeared in the engraving of Ashmole’s Theatrum Chemcicum Britannicum, 1652 which was shown earlier.
One of the drawings is dated 1780. The Anson family apparently built the Shepherd’s Monument somewhere between 1761 and 176730 so this drawing is from the same time period. On the last 2 drawings of the Masonic altars a circular wreath appears at the top centre on the keystone. These wreaths resemble a close up of the wreath on the top of the Shugborough monument shown below.
A second wreath appears in the centre of the Shepherd’s Monument above the keystone. Compare it to the Masonic symbols of the keys and wreath beside it. They form an „X” which is also associated with the Masonic crossbone. 31
A similar wreath also appears on the Original Visigothic Pillar that used to support the old altar in the church at Rennes-le-Château. It can now be found in the museum there and is shown below. The left side of the pillar depicts the wreath with the crossed lines. One line is inside the wreath and one line is outside of the wreath. This is identical to the wreath that appears in the picture above from the Shugborough monument.
The front of the pillar depicts a Masonic cross. As was mentioned earlier, the cross had been displayed upside down in the church, another clue to the flipped letters on the Shugborough monument. The inscription „Mission 1891” had been added to the foot of the upside down cross by the priest Berenger Saunière. It was one of two Visigothic stone pillars which had supported the original white marble altar in the church. He made these changes to the cross when he removed the pillars that supported the altar. The picture shown above is the only one of the two pillars that still remains.31a The fact the original altar was white marble also connects it to the Shugborough Shepherd’s Monument. When the cross is shown upright in its correct position, as it is in this picture, it reveals the date 1681.32
The date 1681 relates to one of the ciphers associated with Rennes-le-Château that made reference to „Peace 681” and talked about in The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail.32a In Freemasonry, „Royal and Select Masters” date years from the year in which the Temple of Solomon was completed. It is called Anno Depositionis (A.D.) – „In the year of the Deposit” and adds 1000 to the common time.33 This makes the year „681” in the cipher become „1681” relating to the year on the cross. „Royal and Select Masters” are related to a cryptic form of Freemasonry.
According to Paul M. Bessel, „the Cryptic degrees are centered on stories involving a vault or crypt where certain treasures were hidden beneath King Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem for very specific purposes.” One theory is that the Jacobite Masons created the Cryptic Rite. The association of the Shepherd’s Monument with Rennes-le-Château, the cipher and the Visigothic pillar would support this theory.
Bessel further reported,”the Stuart exiles living in France in the early 1700’s, sometimes called ‘Jacobites’ from the Latin form of the name for James, were involved in Freemasonry. Some Masonic lodges in France and Italy were made up completely of Jacobites, and the grandson of James II, ‘Bonnie Prince Charlie’ was definitely an active Mason. In 1745, the same year he attempted to invade England, he became the Grand Master of the Masonic Knights Templar, and also formed a Chapter of Rose Croix.”
The Jacobite Masons „considered the death of Hiram Abiff to represent the execution by the English Parliament of Charles I, the father of James II, and the raising of Hiram Abiff to represent the coming restoration to the English throne of the Stuart Kings. The ‘Royal Master’ was the Stuart claimant to the throne, who was called by some the ‘Pretender’ to the throne (at first James II, then his son James III, and then the grandson, Charles), and the secret vault was the place where the Jacobites plotted their return to power. The ‘Select Masters’ were the closest companions of the ‘Pretender’. The ritual of the ‘Select Master’s’ degree can easily be seen to be that of a secret political movement, if one believes this theory,” Bessel reported.34
The peace of 1681 that is being referred to in the cipher was when Charles II dissolved Parliament for the last time to prevent parliament from passing the Exclusion Bill, which would have prevented Charles’ brother James II from being the heir to the throne. Since Charles didn’t have any legitimate children, parliament feared James II would become heir thereby bringing a Catholic king to the throne. James II had refused to become a protestant like his brother Charles to appease parliament. After the dissolution of the Parliament of 1681, no further Parliaments were called. Charles, whose popularity was very high at the time, allowed James II, who had earlier fled, to return to England in 1682. It is interesting to note that on his death bed Charles II converted back to Catholicism.35
These associations are important considering the connections between Rennes-le-Château and the Shugborough Shepherd’s Monument located in Lichfield in Staffordshire.
Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln reported that Staffordshire had been a hot bed for Masonic activity in the early and mid-seventeenth century and that in 1688, shortly before he had been deposed, James II had created the Radclyffes earls of Derwentwater. Charles Radclyffe was born in 1693. His mother had been an illegitimate daughter of Charles II by his mistress, Moll Davies. Radclyffe was thus on his mother’s side of royal blood- a grandson of the next to last Stuart monarch. He was a cousin of Bonnie Prince Charles and of George Lee, Earl of Lichfield- another illegitimate grandson of Charles II.35a When Charles Radclyffe, another alleged Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion,35b escaped from Newgate Prison in 1714, he was aided by his cousin, the Earl of Lichfield. In 1746, Charles Radclyffe died beneath the headsman’s axe at the Tower of London. This was approximately 14 or 15 years before the Shepherd’s Monument had been built.
As was discussed earlier, the underground political group associated with the Shepherd’s Monument was likely created around the time of Charles execution in 1649. Records show that Elias Ashmole had been sworn in to Operative Masonic groups in London and in Warrington, which was in Lancashire in 1646. The group associated with Staffordshire had to have been formed around the same time or perhaps even earlier. As was mentioned previously, the Operative Masons associated with these groups likely provided the backbone for the army used in the uprisings.
The Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland was likely another meeting place for this political group. The Sinclairs were also connected to the Merovingian bloodline. The heads found on the top of the Shugborough monument are related to the carvings of the „Master Mason” and „The Apprentice” found in the Rosslyn Chapel. It was believed the original carving of „The Apprentice” in the Rosslyn Chapel had been altered and the individual in the sculpture originally had had a full beard. According to Scottish Templar historian Chev. Robert Brydon, the carving was very likely originally not that of an „apprentice” at all, as in ancient and medieval times only Master Masons were allowed to sport full beards, which implies the original carving was that of a „murdered Master” and not a „murdered apprentice”.35c This is important because it would associate the carving with Hiram Abiff, the murdered architect of Solomon’s Temple, who as was mentioned previously, symbolically represented the executed Charles I.
The sculpture of the „Master Mason” may have been altered in the 1600 or 1700s to protect its association with Charles I and the Jacobite uprising. The story about the murdered apprentice was probably fabricated at that time. Neither head on the Shugborough monument has a beard which would fit with this theory. The heads on the monument were likely displayed this way to protect the Masonic altar’s association with the exiled Jacobites. It is interesting to note that a beardless head also appeared on the top centre above the keystone of the „Alchemical Door” in Italy talked about earlier and created in 1680 by the Marquis Massimigliano Palombara. As was mentioned earlier, it is quite possible the „Alchemical Door” in Italy provided another meeting location for Italian sympathisers of this group.
According to Masonic historical records James II, King of Scotland, had appointed William Sinclair, Baron of Roslyn, head and governor of the Masons „…The king wanted this dignity to be hereditary in his family and to belong to those that succeeded the barons of Roslyn (2). The title remained, indeed, in the family of Sinclair until in the year 1736, the time when the Grand Lodge of Saint John of Edinburgh was established.”39
It further reported, „Masonry flourished under the kings of Scotland who succeeded James II. James VI particularly protected it.”40
Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln authors of The Holy Blood Holy Grail reported that the Sinclair family was the Scottish branch of the Norman Saint-Clair/Gisors family. Their domain at Rosslyn was only a few miles from the former Scottish headquarters of the Knights Templar. The chapel at Rosslyn was built between 1446 and 1486 and was long associated with both Freemasonry and the Rose-Croix or Rosicrucians.41
Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln further reported that in 1613 Frederick of the Palatinate had married Elizabeth Stuart. She was daughter of James I of England, granddaughter of Mary Queen of Scots and great grand daughter of Marie De Guise and Guise was the cadet branch of the house of Lorraine. Marie de Guise, a century before, had been married to the duke of Longueville and then, on his death, to James V of Scotland. This created a dynastic alliance between the house of Stuart and Lorraine. After Frederick’s marriage to Elizabeth Stuart, he established an esoterically oriented court at his capital at Heidelberg. This culture was defined by Yates as „Rosicrucian”.
„The Frederickian movement …was an attempt to give those currents politico-religious expression, to realize the ideal of Hermetic reform centered on a real prince…It…created a culture, a ‘Rosicrucian’ state with its court centered on Heidelberg.”42
In 1618 Frederick accepted the crown of Bohemia, offered by the country’s rebellious nobles. He angered the papacy and the Holy Roman Empire resulting into the Thirty Years War. By 1620 he and Elizabeth had been driven into exile in Holland, and Heidelberg was crawling with Catholic troops.43
It was the alchemical and Rosicrucian movement in connection with the Masonic society that identified Elias Ashmole with these secret groups. Robert Denyau had reported that Jean de Gisors had founded the Rose-Croix in 1188.44 Gisors was also alleged to have been the first Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion.45
The Rosicrucian manifestos promised a transformation of the world and of human knowledge in relation to esoteric, Heremetic principles. One of the tracts was the Chemical Wedding of Christain Rosenkreuz written in 1616 by German theologican Johann Valentin Andrea, another alleged Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion.46 Andrea admitted to writing the Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz in 1616. The Rosicrucian tracts claimed the existence of a secret brother hood found by one Christian Rosenkreuz, who was born in 1378 and died in 1484.47
Andrea apparently created a network of secret societies known as Christian Unions. Each society was headed by an anonymous prince, assisted by twelve others divided into groups of three with each being a specialist in a given field of study. The primary focus of the Christian Unions was to preserve threatened knowledge and scientific advances that the Church deemed heretical. Scholars, scientists, philosophers and esotericists found a haven in these unions and many were smuggled through them to safety in England where they became closely associated with Masonic circles. They were intimate with Robert Moray, Elias Ashmole and Robert Boyle.48
„During Cromwell’s Protectorate, these dynamic minds both English and European formed what Boyle – in a deliberate echo of the ‘Rosicrucian’ manifestos- called an ‘invisible college’. And with the restoration of the monarchy in 1660, the ‘invisible college’ became the Royal Society.”49
Charles II had been instrumental in getting the society its charter in 1662 and became a member of the group.50 The common theme among the scientists who began the Society was acquiring knowledge by experimental investigation. The first group of such men included Robert Moray, who was one of the earliest on record to be inducted into a Masonic lodge in 1641,51 Robert Boyle, who was listed as another alleged Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion,52 John Wilkins, John Wallis, John Evelyn, Christopher Wren and William Petty.53 Elias Ashmole had also been a founding member of the Society.54
Virtually all the Royal Society’s founding members were Freemasons. It was argued in The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail that the Royal Society was a Masonic institution – derived through Johann Valentine Andrea’s Christian Unions, from the ‘invisible Rosicrucian brotherhood’.55
The first European prince to become a Mason and to publicize his Masonic affiliations was François Duke of Lorraine who was initiated in 1731 at The Hague by Jean Desaguliers, a friend of Newton’s. Newton was alleged to have been another Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion.55a In 1735 François married Maria Theresa of Austria and linked the house of Habsburg and Lorraine and inaugurated the Habsburg-Lorraine dynasty. He was at this time the Holy Roman Emperor. His court at Vienna became Europe’s Masonic capital. He also spent time in England and became a member of the Gentleman’s Club of Spalding. François who was a practising alchemist also had an alchemical laboratory in the imperial palace, the Hofburg. When he became grand duke of Tuscany, he was able to prevent the Inquisition’s harassment of Freemasons in Florence.56 It was because of Francois’ protection, that Charles Radclyffe, who had founded the first Masonic lodge on the continent, had been able to leave behind his Masonic legacy.59
According to Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln, the Archduke Johann von Habsburg, cousin of Franz-Josef, Emperor of Austria had visited the parish priest Berenger Saunière at Rennes-le-Château in the late 1800s. They had opened consecutive bank accounts with the Archduke making a substantial transfer to Saunière’s account. Saunière used the money to redecorate the church.60 There were various changes made in the church some of which included the addition of the statue of Asmodeus or Ashmedai, the statue of the angels and salamanders, the creation of the crest of Leo III over the archway, and the building of the statue of St. John baptising Christ with the letter „M” hanging from his cross.61 This association of the Masonic Habsburg’s with Rennes-le-Château is important because it reiterates Rennes-le-Château’s connection with the Masonic Society and the Shugborough Shepherd’s Monument.
If you would like to read more about Shugborough, follow this link to the next article on The Anson Family.
For more information on the Dogon religion purchase The Nummo or The Master Of Speech.
If you would like to contact the author, email Follow this link to the Merovingians if you would like to read more about Shugborough, the Merovingians and the Dogon religion.
2005/05/17/shugborough_code_feature.shtml Helen Thomas
Grand Lodge of Yukon and British Columbia. Elias Ashmole 1aDan Burstein, Secrets of the Code, CDS, New York, NY. 2004. p. 348.
1bMichael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln The Holy Blood And The Holy Grail, BPCC Hazell Books,
Aylesbury, England, 1990.p. 187.
1cMichael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln p. 187.
1dMichael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln, pp. 142-143.
1eMichael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln pp. 25-26.
Alan Scott 2005
Alan Scott 2005
4Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln p.39.
5Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln p.25.
5aMichael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln, p. 434.
Square%20&%20Compasses/SQC79.jpg Kena Hiram’s Masonic Picture Collection.
National%20Sojourners/ Kena Hiram’s Masonic Picture Collection.
7aHenry Lincoln’s Guide to Rennes-le-Château. DVD. 2000. Illuminated Word. 2005. The Disinformation Company Ltd.
7bThe Secret History of Freemasonry Paul Naudon, Translated by Jon Graham, Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont. 2005. p. 266-267.
8 Simon Miles
9 Simon Miles
10 Simon Miles
10aHenry Lincoln’s Guide to Rennes-le-Château. DVD. 2000. Illuminated Word. 2005. The Disinformation Company Ltd.
11 Susanna Akerman, Christina of Sweden 1626-1689. the Porta Magica and the Italian Poets of the Golden and Rosy Cross.
12 Adam McLean
12bHenry Lincoln’s Guide to Rennes-le-Château. DVD. 2000. Illuminated Word. 2005. The Disinformation Company Ltd.
12cThe National Trust, Shugborough, John Martin Robinson. 1989. Reprinted 1998.
12dThe Nummo, Shannon Dorey p. 32.
13Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln The Holy Blood And The Holy Grail, BPCC Hazell Books, Aylesbury, England, 1990. p.133.
13bMichael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln p.97.
13cHenry Lincoln’s Guide to Rennes-le-Château. DVD. 2000. Illuminated Word. 2005. The Disinformation Company Ltd. Odyssey Book IV: 563
14 Adam McLean
15Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln p.133.
15aMichael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln p.446.
15b Magicians, Seers, and Mystics by Reginald Merton
15cMichael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln p.446.
16 RXResearch
the%20right%20angle%20p2.htm From the Theosophical Writings
of H.P. Blavatsky compiled by Geoffrey Farthing.
the%20right%20angle%20p2.htm From the Theosophical Writings
of H.P. Blavatsky compiled by Geoffrey Farthing.
Translation Stuart Nettleton 1999. A Chronology of the History of Freemasonry.
Grand Lodge of Yukon and British Columbia. Elias Ashmole.
21A076 Engraving from Ashmole’s Theatrum Chemcicum Britannicum, 1652. ©Adam McLean 1998-2004.
artid=2019&letter=A Haggadic Legend.
22iGraham Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods. Seal Books, Toronto 1996. P. 81.
22iiHancock p. 309
22a William Harvey, J.P., F.S.A. (Scot.)Provincial Grand Master of Forfarshire The Story of Hiram Abiff
23 William Harvey, J.P., F.S.A. (Scot.)Provincial Grand Master of Forfarshire The Story of Hiram Abiff
24 Compasses In Art. Grand Lodge of BC and Yukon.
24aMichael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln pp.187-189.
24b Compasses In Art. Grand Lodge of BC and Yukon.
24cMichael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln pp. 38-39.
24fShannon Dorey, The Master Of Speech. 2002. Revised edition March 2005. Trafford, Victoria B.C. p.76.
24gThe Sirius Mystery, Robert Temple Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont p.3.
24hShannon Dorey, The Master Of Speech. pp.75-76.
24hiHenry Lincoln’s Guide to Rennes-le-Château. DVD. 2000. Illuminated Word. 2005. The Disinformation Company Ltd.
24iLe Serpent Rouge Marcus Williamson and Corella Hughes
24jShannon Dorey, The Nummo p.22.
24kShannon Dorey, The Nummo p.23.
24lShannon Dorey, The Master Of Speech. 2002. Revised edition March 2005. Trafford, Victoria B.C. pp. 4-19.
24mShannon Dorey, The Master of Speech p.24
24ma Shugborough Then And Now, Stafforshire County Council. ©Earl of Lichfield
24m1Henry Lincoln’s Guide to Rennes-le-Château. DVD. 2000. Illuminated Word. 2005. The Disinformation Company Ltd.
24nMichael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln, p. 434.
24oMichael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln p. 185.
24p Alan Scott.
Dr. John Grohol Psych Central
30 Shugborough Hall. Paul Smith
31a Alan Scott
Alan Scott Photo by © René Meyer 2003.
32aMichael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln p.26.
Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario
34 Some Basic
Information >About Cryptic Masonry Paul M. Bessel 1998.
35aMichael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln p. 148-149.
35bMichael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln pp.133.
Mysteries of Rosslyn Chapel,the Templars and the Grail,
Dr. Karen Ralls, FSA Scot.
Translation Stuart Nettleton 1999. AChronology of the History of Freemasonry.
Translation Stuart Nettleton 1999. AChronology of the History of Freemasonry.
41Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln p.190.
42Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln pp.145-146.
43Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln pp.145-146.
44Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln p.126.
45Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln p.133.
46Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln pp.144-145.
47Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln p.125.
48Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln p.147.
49Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln p.148.
Societies/RS.html The Royal Society. http://www-history.mcs.
52Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln p.133.
Societies/RS.html The Royal Society. http://www-history.mcs.
54Gerry Rose,”The Venetian Takeover
of England and Its Creation of Freemasonry
55Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln p.148.
55aMichael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln p.133.
56Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln pp.153-154.
59Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln p.149.
60Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln pp.29-30.
61 Alan Scott 2005