Newgrange is considered the most complex megalithic site in the world. It is Ireland’s most visited monument with around 250,000 visitor’s a year. This book delves into the astroarchaeology of Newgrange and the Boyne valley alongside the Loughcrew and Carrowkeel cemeteries with astonishing revelations. This book contains new research and evidence that suggests Newgrange…
THREE SUNS: Nuwaubian facts and mythology
RIZQ PLANET. In Nuwaubian mythology, Rizq is the planet where the Eloheem are from. Dr. York has claimed to be the Biblical incarnation of „Yaanuwn” the 19th of 24 Elders. HISTORY. Rizq is said to be the eighth planet of a three-sun system, with 38 moons and 19 planets, called Illyuwn. The three suns are…
GREEN STONE: „Lucifer’s Crown” is Sirius B?
„The Ordo Lapsit Exillis is named after the Stone that fell from Heaven, the fabled jewel that is said to have fallen from Lucifer’s crown during the war in Heaven, and which in the occult is used as a symbol of enlightenment – of the descent of divine light form the mind of God into…
ORIGIN: „First year of the life of man on Earth”
TRACKING THE ALIEN ASTROENGINEERS (SURSA) An Essay By Vladimir V. Rubtsov, Chairman Research Institute On Anomalous Phenomena (RIAP), Kharkov, UKRAINE RIAP Bulletin Volume 4, Number 4 October-December 1998 When studying the question of possible ancient visits of alien beings to the Earth, a researcher sometimes encounters data which cannot be interpreted as yet in a…
CONNECTION: The Sirius Mystery
EARTH’S SIRIUS CONNECTION (SURSA) By Robertino Solàrion (Texas, 25 October 2000) ( Our Brightest Star Sirius is also one of our closest at only 8.7 Light-Years. It is a large White Star that is officially designated as Sirius A. It is accompanied by a telescopically-only visible White Dwarf Star or „Neutron Star”, referred to as…
ALPHA „T”: From one reality to another
CRYSTALINKS.COM: Transition Stage – Moving consciousness from one reality (frequency) to another (SURSA) Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. With a visual apparent magnitude of -1.46, it is almost twice as bright as Canopus, the next brightest star. The name „Sirius” is derived from the Ancient Greek Seirios („glowing” or „scorcher”). The…
STAR TALES: Canis Major, The Greater Dog
STAR TALES: Canis Major, The Greater Dog (SURSA) Genitive:Canis Majoris / Abbreviation:Cma / Size ranking:43rd / Origin:One of the 48 / Greek constellations listed by Ptolemy in the Almagest / Greek name: Κύων (Kyon) Four dogs are to be found among the constellations: Canis Major, Canis Minor, and the two hunting dogs, Canes Venatici, but Canis…
TIME: Orphic Phanes and „The Egg of the World”
Phanes and the egg. Modena, Italy (SURSA) 695. White marble relief (H. 0.71 Br. 0.49). About the discovery of this monument little is known. According to Cavedoni it was „à l’epoque de Muratori (1672-1750) dans le palais du Marquis Sigismund d’Este à San Martino in Rio, terre du duche de Reggio, distante de 8 milles…
HOLY GRAIL: Roerich and Chintamani Stone
HOLY GRAIL: Nicholas Roerich and Chintamani Stone by Mark Amaru Pinkham*, for FourCornersMagazine (SURSA) With the current massive outpouring of information regarding the fabled Holy Grail (or Grails) it is impossible to ignore what may be the very first Holy Grail on Earth, the Chintamani Stone, the “Treasure of the World.” Between 1923-1928 this…
RENNES-LE-CHÂTEAU: Saunière’s Bookmark
RENNES-LE-CHÂTEAU RESEARCH: I was interested in Sauniere’s Bookplate as the Demon pictured bears a similar pose to that of the Demon he placed in his church. Also anything owned by Saunière may give an insight as to what he was up to, or perhaps even a clue to help solve the mystery. Sauniere’s Bookplate seen…
VOYNICH MANUSCRIPT: Cannabis from Sirius?
Voynich Reveals Star Maps of Plant Origins by Hillary Raimo (SURSA) Excerpt taken from Jason Kings “The Cannabible III”. “Are You Sirius? Take a look at the word cannabis. Ever wonder what it means? Cannabis is a Greek word, though its root is African. In Greek, canna means ‘canine’ or ‘dog’ and bis or bi is…
The Dogons and Shugborough Shepherd’s Monument
Shugborough is Associated with the Ancient African Dogon Religion through the Merovingians by Shannon Dorey (SURSA) „(…) According to the Dogon, the serpent and fish like alien beings known as Nummo came to Earth from another star system. They were associated with both the Sirius and Pleiades star systems. These green, amphibious beings were identified…